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FAILED SUICIDE PLAN - Screamo / Punk since 2005

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+ News
[Luciente - 20.03.2015]

we decided to change our name, cause we felt that "Failed Suicide Plan" does not fit the band’s music and message anymore.

We changed it to "Luciente", based on the book „Woman on the Edge of Time“. The story is about a female Spanish immigrant, who lives under bad conditions and fantasizes about an imaginary person called Luciente , who shows her a future utopia.

The music, the people and the attitude stays the same. We’re recording our first album and are going to play our first show with the new name in Jena @ Jugendhaus Hugo. Website, logo, domains … will follow soon.

All the best
Luciente (ex Failed Suicide Plan)
[Planing South Germany/Swiss/Austria Minitour with Barren - 23.01.2014]
Hey everyone,

we're currently busy planing a mini tour together with our friends Barren (mid. 90 Vegan Straight Edge Hardcore with members of Zann). The tour is scheduled between the 17th and 20th of April 2014:

17th South Germany
18th Swiss
19th Swiss
20th Austria/South Germany

If you'd like to help us out with a show, we would be pleased! Just drop us a line at info@failedsuicidegrind.com, we will reply immediately! Music and visuals of both bands can be found here:


Best FSP
[Happy new year - 04.01.2014]
Hey everyone,

hope you all survived christmas and had a great start to 2014. We definitely had! We’re so inspired and creative right now - 4 new songs are written and the 5th is in progress.
But of course we’d love to present the new stuff live, so if you want to setup a show for us, just drop us a line, we would be pleased! We play every location if at least there is something to plug our power cables in!

All the best
Failed Suicide Plan
[Tape EP compilation released - 28.05.2013]
Hey everyone,

we're very happy to announce that "Family Business Records" just released a tape compilation of our latest two EP's including "Fragment" (2013) and the previously released "make mistakes trying to kill yourself" (2011). You can grab your copy at on of our upcoming shows or order it by writing a mail to: info@failedsuicidegrind.com or by checking out the Family business online store: familybusiness.bigcartel.com/

Price is 3€ + shipping. It's strongly limited to 50 copies so be quick! ;)

Failed Suicide Plan
[download of our latest EP is available - 11.05.2013]
Hey everyone,

we updated our Facebook- video section with lot's of cool videos which people recorded during our last east Europe tour, so take a look:

Facebook BandPage

Also our new "Fragment" EP - record is uploaded and free for streaming and downloading. So grab your favorite browser, take a look at the following links and feel free to download, enjoy and share our music:

Facebook BandPage


File download

best FSP